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Commonly asked questions about the SHE REX post-op wearable recovery band:

Both She Rex hoodies with drain pockets have internal pockets and hand pockets on both sides.

The She Rex recovery band is a simple design that fits well with any fashion style.

Yes, She Rex buckles can be adjusted and sizes L-XXL have a third buckle for a proper adjustable fit. 

You can sleep in She Rex recovery band comfortably. 

No, you can utilize the band on a single arm or both arms if needed. It is like a sling without the hot sleeve.

Most injuries that suggest minimal arm movement during the healing period. The band is a gentle reminder to not raise your arm in a way that can re-injure your procedure.

It will vary on how active you are. The She Rex band can be worn for as long as needed.

The recovery band is so comfortable to wear that you forget you’re wearing it, until you reach too far. 

The She Rex band is a gentle reminder that encourages small T-Rex motions to keep arms from lifting over 90 degrees. It does not restrict arm movements.

Sizes depend on the use. If you are using the band for breast surgery, reference your regular t-shirt size. If you are using the band for rehabilitation after any other surgery, order one size up.

Yes – the SHE REX band is water-safe.

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