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I had my breast surgery, April 2020 during Covid. I was told to limit my right arm movement but, it was extremely difficult especially since I am right-handed. Then I tried the She Rex. It was like night and day. My arm movements were restricted so I wasn't overreaching and the band was very comfortable. I highly recommend the She Rex for any woman you know that is going to have surgery for breast cancer, including just a lumpectomy!

Julianne Renny

Wow! Just ordered this product! I had my first mastectomy with reconstruction in January...I WISH i had this product then! I am having the same surgery. (my choice! this time) in January. This product will be a God send!

Lesley Tupa Stratton

I’m using this product as I recover from Diep flap reconstruction. It sure helps me not to overreach! Excellent tool

Natalie Thorman

It’s already saved me. My expanders came unsutured and the left was upside down and backwards. The right took to point south. I’m hyper-flexible. I wish I had one then. Now I’m in my implants, having to wear an underwire bra but I have my SHE REX to keep me from displacing my implants. I love it.

Brandi Moore Lawson

I am 3 weeks post-op recovering from bilateral mastectomy and partial reconstruction. My diagnosis was stage one breast cancer. The She Rex was a huge help during my recovery. I am a stay-at-home mom with 3 kids and an 80 lb. dog. One of my children is 5 and still very much likes to cuddle and sit on my lap. Before surgery I was a mom that never sat down. I cooked every night, did the majority of the housework, and constantly found something to clean and organize. Resting was difficult for me. After the initial 1-2 weeks I was ready to get back to “normal.” My family was constantly warning me not to overdo it. I used the She Rex to keep me from going overboard. I needed to do light housework, chores, and groom myself to feel like me again. I needed to hold and care for my youngest (without lifting of course). The She Rex would remind me not to go too far when reaching for things like a cup out of the cabinet for my 5-year-old, or cooking a light meal, or folding a load of laundry. I feel fortunate that I did have the help of my family members and that my husband was able to be home during my recovery. However, I needed to be able to do things for myself for my emotional wellbeing and healing. A cancer diagnosis can take your breath away. So much fear and uncertainty.

Kristy Snead

Being able to feel somewhat normal makes a huge difference in recovery. I highly recommend this product.


In June of 2021 I went to see a Dermatologist regarding a mole that I had. It turned out to be nothing. However, during that visit the Doctor found a small Melanoma on my left upper arm. The only treatment was to have it cut out and the incision/scar will be at least 3 inches long and 1 inch deep. I had 8 dissolving stiches internally and 15 externally. After the procedure was done the I was told that I could not raise my arm up or extend in front of me as the stiches might tear out. While speaking with HR, it was recommended that I get a She-Rex arm band that we manufacture. So, I tried it out. It was a tremendous help. A reminder that I had to be careful with my movements. I wore the strap for about 3 weeks and occasionally after that when I thought I would need it. I would recommend this to anyone who needs to monitor their arm movements. Very satisfied with the outcome.


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